The Birth of Adalyn - Part Two

Ah summer.... As the wife of a teacher with summers off, I must say it is a magical time when you catch up and wipe stuff off the to do list as your husband cooks dinner and does laundry.  Yes, a magical time indeed.  

I thought I would use my free time, as Jared is currently tinkering in our darkroom (previously known solely as the laundry room) to post some of my favorite shots from the last birth I filmed.  I always snap a few pics too.  I mean, why not! I'm there.  I have a camera.  And, I love to do it.  

Thank you again to the Jacksons for trusting me to be a part of the birth of their first born! Congrats!  Such a beautiful family, inside and out.

Hello, World! The Birth of Luke Samuel

Seriously, this is one of the coolest things I get to do with my job as a 'record keeper.'  I love to document the moment a mother holds her baby in her arms for the first time.  The joy.  The relief.  So surreal.  Sorry photographers, but photos just won't do it justice.  

I loved Danielle since our very first meeting, where we discussed the many aspects of birth and motherhood over tea!  And, let me tell you, this woman is STRONG.  She planned for a natural birth and never once did she falter or say "I can't."   As anyone who has been in labor knows, births don't always go as planned, but Danielle faced every moment with courage, conviction, and grace.  

Thank you so much for trusting me to capture such an important moment.  It was an honor.

Seize the 'good stuff,'

Lauren Keester

Lauren + Matt (Part One)

As Jared and I were putting the finishing touches on Lauren and Matt's wedding video last night (I know, I is a criminal offense to not watch the Superbowl... but, we are just not in to football.  We did watch the final episode of The Knick, season 2...and... AH-MAZING...but, I digress), I was reminded how sweet and sincere their our story was.  

I hope they look back on this video from time to time and are reminded of who they were when they got married...all the hope and joy and purpose and anticipation the beginning of a marriage brings. 

Hope's Home Birth Story (Part 1)

Dear "Hopie,"

It has been such a wonderful, amazing experience to watch your journey to motherhood.  When we first spoke over the phone about you taking on a part-time caregiver role for Jude and Harvey (in 2013 was it?  Harvey was just 4 months old), you apologized for not being able to start right at 8am that first day, because you were seeing a fertility specialist.  I have been praying for this day for you since that phone call, and here it is. 

When I told Jared I had finally found childcare, he asked what I knew about you, this stranger coming into our home, and I told him you had an inner light that shined bright and strong, and that was all I needed.  

My kids fell in love with you almost instantly, and your grace was a calming presence in our home.  Thank you for loving my children.  I say that knowing you now know, truly know, what it means to be apart from your baby for even just a few seconds, let alone a whole work day.  I always felt comforted knowing they were with you. And the testament to your love in grace is that my children still ask for mommy, daddy, and you when they are upset. 

I was so honored when you asked me to document your delivery, and when you look at these photos, I hope you will sometimes think about the smiles of the two little boys whose lives you shaped before you started you own family.  I am forever indebted to you. 

From one mother to another,
