A Birth Story- Baby Ryleigh

I do not think it is possible to put in to words how much I love shooting births.  I love the emotion of the day, the ups and downs, and of course, the moment when you get the big pay off and hold your baby for the first time.  

I will never forget the first time I held my baby boy... the moment is seared in my mind.  But I do wish I had some photos of that moment too.  That is what I find so rewarding about this work.  I KNOW how important this day is-- for me, it was the first day of me, the new me, the person I am now that I have someone else to care about.  It taught me what is important, focused me, and mellowed me out.  

The other part of this birth that was soooooo amazing, was Amber had the same doctor and delivered in the same room that I delivered my first born. It was almost eerie to be back there, almost exactly five years since I had my baby boy.  It was a 'full circle' moment, for sure. 

Amber was amazing.  She had a natural birth, but she was so calm and collected the nurses thought she had had an epidural.  They had already had a very long night before I arrived at 5:30AM, but she was so mellow, she was even able to take some naps between contractions. Way to go, Mama! I am in awe of you.  

Jacy + Josh (Part Two)

Happy 1 Month Anniversary to Jacy and Josh!  We seriously had such a good time at this wedding!  Not only are Jacy, Josh, their family, and friends so much fun, but we felt like we really knew Jacy and Josh going into the wedding because we had filmed an 'our story' for their rehearsal dinner and seen them dancing up a storm at other weddings we filmed.  

We went out on a limb on this one and used the letters they wrote to each other, even though we had filmed them reading those letters just to put on their personal Blu-ray/DVD (and not for public sharing).  The thing was, these letters were just soooooo good.  We sent the draft to Jacy and Josh, and they approved! 

Jacy and Josh, thank you again for choosing us to be a part of this journey with you.  We enjoyed every party of it, right down to the limey.  (Tastes like college :-) )

**** Click HD in the bottom, right-hand corner for the best viewing experience!*****

Lauren + Matt (Part One)

As Jared and I were putting the finishing touches on Lauren and Matt's wedding video last night (I know, I know...it is a criminal offense to not watch the Superbowl... but, we are just not in to football.  We did watch the final episode of The Knick, season 2...and... AH-MAZING...but, I digress), I was reminded how sweet and sincere their our story was.  

I hope they look back on this video from time to time and are reminded of who they were when they got married...all the hope and joy and purpose and anticipation the beginning of a marriage brings.