Cooking with the Keesters, Season 2

Here is first episode to the long-awaited for season 2 of 'Cooking with the Keesters.'  

Backstory: long ago, before we had children or a bustling videography business, Jared and I made cooking videos.  Jared's students inevitably find these videos, and one of them suggested an update.  We thought this would be a good time, seeing as Jude is interested in cooking and got a cookbook for Christmas.  This was the recipe he chose.  Pretty good, especially if you like your icing with just a hint of mucus.  

Oklahoma Adventure- No.5 Blue Hole

This one was a bit of a drive, but I have to say it was my favorite of our Oklahoma road trips thus far.  We stopped at Sunnyside Diner before we left town.  It was super yum. As far as Salina's Blue Hole Park, I recommend going when it is REALLY hot because the water is ice cold.  Also, bring water shoes because the rocks might be sharp on the kiddos feet.  But, the water is crystal clear spring water, sooooo refreshing.    

Things to note:  there is a per car charge to get in the park. I think it was $12, but I cannot remember exactly.  Portapotties are the only bathroom choice.  There is a concession stand, but only things like hotdogs, chips, candy, coke...

Photos all shot on film with the exception of 4 iPhone photos.  No edits, just fun. 

Adventure Oklahoma- No. 3 State Capitol

This one is free!  And, honestly, July turns out to be a great time to go.  The building is almost empty.  We went for a breakfast at Kitchen 324 and then headed over to the capitol for some nice, free air conditioning.  And LOTS of stair climbing!!!  The kids LOVED the stairs.  I was surprised how much the kids like exploring around the state capitol building.  There are guided tours, but we just kicked around on our own.  Shot on an iPhone (because my film camera can't go through the x-ray thing they send your bag through).  

Yeah, about this tab...

Clearly, I have not been doing a very good job of keep up this here 'personal' tab.  But, it is important.  We are a family.  That is why we do what we do.  We want to help you preserve your family's narrative.  And our family is part of our product.  You need to see us, to know a bit about who we are...because, we will be right there during the most important days of your life.  With cameras.   There is an element of trust there.  And, trust is a two-way street.  

So, here you go, here is our family.  These are our two boys.  We are nuts about them (even when they drive us nuts).  And, they are why we pour our heart and soul in our business.  This is not a hobby.  This is how we provide for these two.  Its not something to be taken lightly.